Until Then…

It’s December. Where has the time gone? I remember bits and pieces, and have many more scribbled in my Thanksgiving journal. Remember that one? It’s the one we went through together, every Thursday, for over a year. That was a while ago, though, wasn’t it? As I look back at the posts on this blog for 2014, I see that there have only been two others. It’s been neglected for a while, and now wears a gray cover of dust in which one could scrawl the letters, “Write on me.


You see, as a content writer, I’ve gained some paying clients, and I’ve taken on some editing and writing on the side, ever trying to add to my portfolio. My little Peanut-Girl is now three-and-a-half, and she knows everything – or at least she wants to. Believe it or not, she needs more attention than ever – that is, even though she’s physically able to meet more of her own needs, she needs increasing amounts of intellectual stimulation for her little brain to grow strong and smart. And, happily, that’s what I’m here for – though part of helping her grow is teaching her that the world is her school room and she can learn on her own, too. But that’s why I’ve chosen to stay home and raise her: To teach her these things and much more.


And all this doesn’t leave much time for personal blogging. Yet you can still find me on the blogosphere. I blog over at Jeep with Kids, and God has given me a new twice-a-month outlet for writing what He puts on my heart: My church’s women’s ministry blog! You can find that blog, Woman to Woman, here.


I plan to begin re-blogging many of the posts I write for Woman to Woman here on Philosophies of Strawberry Short Cake, but I’d love if you popped over to check out the site and follow along! I am partnered with two other Jesus-lovin’ ladies: One is a long-time friend, and the other is my lovely mama! I know you will encounter the Spirit of the Lord there as you read what He lays on our hearts each week.


This blog, at Short Cake Writes, will always have my heart, and there are some things I can only say here first. Parts of my soul just can’t be shared anywhere else. And someday soon I will uncover some hidden moments, brew up some tea, and spend some time writing here again. Until then, come on over and visit me at Woman to Woman, won’t you?

Hello World!

Yesterday was a rather common day in that I had just a few thoughts swirling through my mind…the overwhelming, redeeming love and power of my God, how desperately I need to find a place that sells Liquid Life, the sheer joy of making love to my husband, how I fight the temptation to shave the dog thus eliminating the need to sweep my floors as often, that I would love to repaint and redecorate our bedroom, that I simply must wash the leather couch that catches smoke dust from the wood stove, the immense pleasure of sipping red wine.

I suddenly became aware that my husband was staring at me. “Your mind does not shut off does it”? he asked, mystified. He mentions this to me a lot. The truth is my mind simply does not seem to entertain that luxury. So after the thousandth time of this being brought to my attention, I have decided to embrace my mind’s inability to have a “nothing” box and to blog about its contents!

I have never been a journal keeper, mainly I believe, because it is a rare time that I keep my thoughts, feelings, or opinions to myself! 🙂 But I have a secret crush on the written word and blogging seems to give millions of people the opportunity to express themselves, so, therefore, my unending thoughts on theology, politics, marriage, family, home, travel, and much, much more are happy to find a new home in the blog’s of “Philosophies of Strawberry Short Cake”! Stay tuned for more!!