Thanksgiving Thursday, Never Forget

Tuesday was the 11th commemoration of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States that cost nearly 3,000 people their lives. I saw a few personal, normal blessings come along on this anniversary: I was able to complete a project that intimidated me (#177), Wal-Mart is only three minutes away from our house when we need a late night run for coffee (#178), and we all had an early bed time (#179).


But the blessing I really saw that day was the great grace, wild hope, sweet peace, and passionate joy that flooded those who have experienced evil in this world, yet still know that “if evil is seeming evidence to eradicate God from our mental landscape, then doesn’t goodness…testify to the gospel truth of God?”*


I wonder… if the rent in the canvas of our life backdrop, the losses that puncture our world…might actually become places to see. To see through to God. That which tears open our souls…may actually become the thin, open places to see through the mess of this place to the heart-aching beauty beyond. To Him. To the God whom we endlessly crave.”*


We must never forget. Never forget 9/11. Never forget those who died, those who go on, and those who, though they never wanted the title of hero, wore it with dignity, honor, and humility, asking only to serve those around them. And never forget that God is always good and we are always loved.



My Thanksgiving List 9/13/12


173. God’s grace seen clearly in the hard eucharisteo


176. Friends who are friends because they didn’t get on Flight 93


175. Those willing to put their lives on the line to save others (John 15:13


169. The Broncos won their first regular season game


163. Smoked trout tacos


183. Boot season!


161. A day done


168. Being married to a fun debate partner


166. A baby girl, my mama, born 58 years ago this month 


167. A baby growing today in the womb (no, not mine!)


154. A good jogging stroller


182. The American spirit


160. Fully loaded hamburgers


146. Having my wood stove pipes cleaned by a handsome handyman


140. New possibilities


158. My baby’s smile



Please tell me, what blessings have you seen this week?








*A Holy Experience, The Problem of Evil? The Greater Problem of Good

 *One Thousand Gifts, pg. 22

One comment on “Thanksgiving Thursday, Never Forget

  1. Jamie Tamez says:

    Oh, Jodi, glorious and precious! A few of my blessings: the “dropped ball”, and the resulting freedom; free pie and sweet fellowship with godly friends at Village Inn on Wednesday nights; the day of gentle rain; a good CD of worship songs; my Defender, the Prayer-Answering God Most High.

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